The trend of law violations in tenders got increased

Prishtina, August 5 – Today, FOL Movement published its regular report “Procurement Monitor” for the period April-June 2013. This report reflects law violations and irregularities of the ministries, public enterprises (KEC and PTK) and municipalities in the development of public procurement procedures identified by the PRB.

Kenan Tora from FOL Movement presented the purpose and methodology of the report and said that “the trend of law violations and irregularities by the Ministries, Public Enterprise (KEK and PTK) and Municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo during the public procurement procedures has increased in this period of this year. In the period April-June, the above-mentioned institutions have committed violations in 29 different tenders. The Procurement Review Body returned 14 tenders out of 29 for re-evaluation, seven were returned for re-tendering, and 3 were canceled, while the in other 5 was interfered in the tender dossier.

According to the findings of this report, the ministries did not respect legal provisions of the Law on Public Procurement in 8 different tenders, the Ministry of Infrastructure has committed violations in four different procurement activities, while the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Trade and Industry in one tender.

Public Enterprises (KEC and PTK) have committed violations in nine different procurement activities. KEC has committed violations during the procurement procedures in five procurement activities, while PTK in four.
Municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo did not respect legal provisions of the Law on Public Procurement in total 12 different tenders. Prishtina Municipality has violated 4 tenders, while the Municipality of Gjilan, Lipjan, Partesh, Prizren, Vitia, Gjakova, Mitrovica and Peja in one tender.

Except this, FOL Movement has conducted direct monitoring of 37 procurement procedures in the ministries which they have a Memorandum of Understanding with. As a result, in 23 of these tenders were announced the winning economic operators, among them 11 were canceled with the recommendation of FOL Movement in order to prevent law violations, and in two tenders the winner was announced just in Lot I, while another tender is still in the procedure.

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Foto Galeria: Trendi i shkeljeve ligjore në tenderë shënon rritje
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Foto Galeria: Trendi i shkeljeve ligjore në tenderë shënon rritje
Foto Galeria: Trendi i shkeljeve ligjore në tenderë shënon rritje
Foto Galeria: Trendi i shkeljeve ligjore në tenderë shënon rritje
Foto Galeria: Trendi i shkeljeve ligjore në tenderë shënon rritje

Foto Galeria: Trendi i shkeljeve ligjore në tenderë shënon rritje