The Irresponsibility of municipalities in accessing official documents

Pristina, 21 December 2012 – Movement FOL publish the report “Accountability Test”, this report, aims show the overall level of implementation of the Law on Access to Public Documents in eight different municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo: Mitrovica, Prizren, Prizren, Gjakova, Kamenica, Podujeva, Gjilan and Peja.
This report is a product of the campaign and survey that Movement FOL had conducted during September in the above-mentioned municipalities.

The findings of this report reveal the main problems the concerned municipalities faced during the implementation of legal provisions, which relate to citizens’ access to public documents.

Among the major problems presented in the aforementioned municipalities are:
– Lack of knowledge of citizens about the existence of the Law on Access to Public Documents.
– Small number of requests from citizens for access to local authorities and / or
– Lack of interest of officials to inform citizens about their rights they have on access to public documents.

Based on a comparative analysis of the data, Podujeva turns out to be at best in terms of implementation of the Law on Access to Public Documents, while Peja was recorded (obviously) as the municipality with the lowest level of implementation of legal provisions dealing with citizens’ access to public documents or official.

The entire report:
Results of the survey: