Meeting with the Director of Procurement at the Ministry of Economic Development, Selami Berisha


Prishtina 1 June 2017 – Representatives of Lëvizja FOL met today with the Director of Procurement at the Ministry of Economic Development, Selami Berisha. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the application of E-Procurement electronic system and the challenges of its application.

Berisha explained that with the E-Procurement electronic system they started to implement from January 2017 and that the MED staff was trained and is consistently part of the trainings organized by the PPRC.

“We have problems that are small and there is no way to postpone any procedure due to hardware problems, because even if there is a problem, it can take up to 30 minutes,” Berisha said. Regarding the re-enrollment on the E-Procurement platform he said that it is obligatory for each economic operation to register, according to him, if an economic operator is not registered in the e-procurement platform, the same cannot submit the offer either hard copy.

“The electronic procurement system E-Procurement increases transparency, makes work easier and the good of all this from the system is if we know who has made the withdrawal of the file,” he said, adding that the contract signature has not yet changed and it is done in the same way, but this can be changed with eventual changes in the Procurement Law which has deficiencies in this regard.

This meeting was also discussed for the expenditures that the Ministry of Economic Development had for 2017. As far as these expenditures are concerned, Berisha said that until the report of the Auditor General comes out, they cannot give a precise figure of how much they spent this ministry in the field of procurement. “The amount we can give is that the Ministry of Economic Development has signed contracts in the amount of € 5,408,216.67 for 2016, but this cannot be taken as an expense,” he said.

This grant is funded by the Democratic Society Promotion Programme(DSP) project – funded by the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo (SDC) and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DANIDA) and managed by the Kosovo Civil Society Foundation (KCSF).