FOL Movement Introduces Ant-Corruption Statistics Platform

Prishtina, 14 December 2013 – Today, FOL Movement has published the online Anti-Corruption Statistics platform, where the anti-corruption statistics of Prosecutions, Courts and Police will be published regularly every three months and annually.
Fidan Kalaja from FOL Movement said that the platform is posted in the website of the FOL Movement ( and statistics that will be published on this platform will be comparable and their comparison will also be every three months within the institution.
“Due to a four – year work of FOL Movement stuff in monitoring corruption in Kosovo, the organization is making progress in realizing its mission, contributing in the fight against corruption by developing an Anti-Corruption Statistics platform in Kosovo,” said Kalaja.

This platform includes three institutions that are directly involved in the fight against corruption: Prosecutions, Courts and Police. For each institution have been included three main categories: taking bribe, giving bribe and abuse of authority. Each of these categories has its sub-categories, which are included in the platform and will constitute the total number of main categories.

The platform has been developed in order to include anti-corruption statistics from 2010, but due to the non-standardization of statistics by these institutions, it was impossible to include the previous years. Thus, the data that will be included in the platform will be for 2013, for prosecution, courts and police on a quarterly basis, January-March, April-June and July-September.

FOL Movement is developing a system that is completely new, not only in Kosovo but also abroad, stated Fidan Kalaja. “These data, according to him, will be updated regularly and new categories will be added to further develop this approach, which is vita, especially for measuring the impact of the implementation of laws, actions and anti-corruption policies in the country. We expect that these data will be useful for our institutions, especially the judicial and prosecutorial system, they will reflect and enhance the effectiveness of the fight against corruption “.

This platform will offer the opportunity and access for every citizen of Kosovo to see the work and commitment of national institutions in the fight against corruption, based on tangible and comparable data.

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