Citizens of Kosovo need to be consulted on constitutional changes

Prishtina, April 9, 2011- Recent developments in Kosovo have tested the commitment of political leaders towards the democratic character of the state as well as their dedication to facilitate and allow the democratic functioning of institutions of Kosovo.FOL Movement considers a good news election of a consensus candidate for the post of the President as required by the Constitution, although this was not a full consensus.

FOL considers a positive step the initiative for constitutional amendments but demands that the agenda of constitutional changes be articulated in a debate with citizens of Kosovo as required by the democratic character of our state.
The citizens of Kosovo should be at the centre of attention in the process of constitutional amendments and thus the process of 2008 of the Constitution cannot and should not be repeated. Such process did not allow qualitative participation of citizens in the process of writing the constitution.

The President of Kosovo should institute a group that will take over the organization of extensive consultations with citizens and civil society organization on identifying the needs for change of the country’s Constitution and this group then should develop concrete recommendations for constitutional amendments. This process must have full ownership by Kosovo nationals. The Constitutional challenges today are results of the lack of ownership by kosovars in the Constitution of the country.

Also, recent developments have drawn attention from the fight against organized crime and corruption. State Department Report on Human Rights highlights the wide extent of corruption in government, judicial and other public institutions. Rhetoric against corruption must be translated into concrete actions in this regard Kosovo Special Prosecutor’s Office, courts and other authorities are failing to provide necessary Kosovo outcome in the fight against corruption and organized crime.