Karl Popper Debate Program is Advanced to an Independent Organization – “Debate Center”

In 2009 FOL Movement had reinstated the Karl Popper Debate Program in Kosovo. This program has been one of the most attractive programs for the youth of Kosovo to develop their critical thinking, creativity and research skills on various social, political, economic and cultural domains.

Since then FOL has expanded the program to more than ten municipalities, has engaged and trained nearly 1,000 high school students, has organized local, regional and national tournaments, and has participated in various international competitions, where young people have shown extraordinary skills of debating culture. Due to its work and commitment, in 2010 FOL has become a member of the International Debate Education Association (www.idebate.org), whose mission consists on developing a global culture of debate.

Considering the progress of this program in many municipalities in Kosovo, seeing a great interest of Kosovo’s youth for inclusion in this program, and considering that FOL Movement has begun to work with the new strategy 2013-2015 (approved in December 2012), the Karl Popper Debate Program is being transformed into an independent organization.

This program has been consistently supported by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS), as well as some municipalities and central institutions of the Republic of Kosovo.

FOL Movement will continue its unconditional support for the new Debate Center organization, and hopefully the partner organizations will do it as well.