Twenty irregular tenders for three months in eight institutions

Prishtina, May 4 – Today published its regular report “Procurement Monitor” for January-March 2013 period. This report shows law violations and irregularities of the ministries, public enterprises (KEC and PTK) and municipalities during public procurement procedures.

Kenan Tora from FOL Movement said that “Ministries, Public Enterprises (KEC and PTK) and Municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo in the first three months of this year have continued with law violations and irregularities in public procurement. In this three – month period, the above-mentioned institutions have committed violations in 20 different tenders. According to the Procurement Review Body, 17 of these 20 tenders were returned for re-evaluation, and 3 of them have been returned to re-tender.”
According to the findings of this report, ministries have violated provisions of public procurement in three different tenders, followed by KEC and PTK which have committed violations in 11 different tenders, and municipalities have committed violations in 6 tenders.

Considering the high level of misuse and corruption affairs, as well as the low level of transparency of public procurement procedures, Kenan Tora stated that “FOL Movement has recommended the amendment of the Law on Public Procurement, in order to prepare a proper legal basis for electronic procurement.” This, according to the representatives of this movement, “would have a direct effect on increasing transparency and accountability, and reduce the possibility of abuse and violations in this area.

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