The meeting of the Assembly of Members: Petrit Zogaj is re – elected Executive Director

Prishtina, 30 September 2013 – According to the Law on Freedom of Association in the Republic of Kosovo and the statutes of the organization, on September 28, 2013, was held the meeting of the Assembly of Members of Movement FOL, which is the main decision making body in the organization.
In this meeting the members discussed about some changes in the statute of FOL Movement. In this case was appointed a committee composed of three members of the Assembly, which will deal with the changes proposed in this meeting and will make amendments to the Statute until the next meeting of the Members Assembly.

At the meeting was elected the Director of FOL Movement as well. With 30 votes in favor, two abstentions and one against, Petrit Zogaj was re-elected director of FOL Movement . The number of the members of the Assembly of FOL Movement is 41, and in this meeting were 33 of them present.

Petrit Zogaj is a cofounder of FOL Movement and since September 2011, he held the position of Executive Director. Petrit Zogaj graduated in Political Sciences at the University of Prishtina.

FOL Movement, thanks all the members of the Assembly for their contribution in achieving organization’s objectives .

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Mbahet mbledhja e Kuvendit te Anetareve Petrit Zogaj rizgjedhet Drejtor Ekzekutiv

Mbahet mbledhja e Kuvendit te Anetareve Petrit Zogaj rizgjedhet Drejtor Ekzekutiv2

Mbahet mbledhja e Kuvendit te Anetareve Petrit Zogaj rizgjedhet Drejtor Ekzekutiv3

Mbahet mbledhja e Kuvendit te Anetareve Petrit Zogaj rizgjedhet Drejtor Ekzekutiv4

Mbahet mbledhja e Kuvendit te Anetareve Petrit Zogaj rizgjedhet Drejtor Ekzekutiv5

Mbahet mbledhja e Kuvendit te Anetareve Petrit Zogaj rizgjedhet Drejtor Ekzekutiv6

Mbahet mbledhja e Kuvendit te Anetareve Petrit Zogaj rizgjedhet Drejtor Ekzekutiv7