Informal Working Group discussed the amendment of the Law on Public Procurement

Prishtina, 18 September- FOL Movement in collaboration with the RIINVST Institute, in their efforts to come up with recommendations on issues that should be addressed in the case of amendments of the Law on Public Procurement, today held a meeting of the informal working group on the topic “Amendments of the Law on Public Procurement-issues to be addressed”. At this meeting were invited representatives of institutions of procurement, contracting authorities, chambers of commerce, civil society and representatives of the Ministry of Trade and Industry as the initial protagonists of the amendment process.

At this meeting, among the issues discussed were: electronic procurement issue, the issue of abnormally low and abnormally high prizes, the issue of evaluation of tenders based on the unit prices not only in in total price, the issue of discrimination during the preparation of technical specifications, the issue of immediate operation of the PRB. Among other things discussed, was the proposal of MTI, which was that with provisions of the Law on Public Procurement, companies and local products according to a certain quota, should be favored in public procurement processes even if they have more expensive offers, and the implementation of electronic procurement should become mandatory according to the new Law on Public Procurement.

All participants agreed to support these two proposals, and until next week, on behalf of the informal working group, they must come up with specific recommendations for each of the issues mentioned above. These recommendations will be sent to the legal office of the Prime Minister, as the sponsor of the amendment process, and to the Parliamentary Committee on Supervision of Public Finances, as a functional Committee.

This meeting was attended by Public Procurement Regulatory Commission, Competition Commission, Anti-Corruption Agency, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Public Administration, Ministry of Justice, Correctional Service of Kosovo, Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo, Kosovo Business Alliance and ÇOHU.

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Foto Galeria: Grupi Punues jo-formal diskutoi për amandamentimin e Ligjit për Prokurim Publik
Foto Galeria: Grupi Punues jo-formal diskutoi për amandamentimin e Ligjit për Prokurim Publik
Foto Galeria: Grupi Punues jo-formal diskutoi për amandamentimin e Ligjit për Prokurim Publik
Foto Galeria: Grupi Punues jo-formal diskutoi për amandamentimin e Ligjit për Prokurim Publik
Foto Galeria: Grupi Punues jo-formal diskutoi për amandamentimin e Ligjit për Prokurim Publik
Foto Galeria: Grupi Punues jo-formal diskutoi për amandamentimin e Ligjit për Prokurim Publik
Foto Galeria: Grupi Punues jo-formal diskutoi për amandamentimin e Ligjit për Prokurim Publik