Forum discusses the observations and recommendations of the municipalities on Protection of Informers

Prishtina, October 02, 2013 – Movement FOL supported by the U.S. Embassy in Kosovo, held the second Discussion – Forum on “Anti-Corruption Legal Package – The Law on Protection of Informers” respectively on the observations and recommendations of meetings organized by FOL in some municipalities of Kosovo where the law in question was discussed.

At the meetings organized in Ferizaj, Gjakova, Prizren, Mitrovica, Gjilan and Peja were expressed concerns about the legal gaps and the low level of implementation of the Law on Protection of Informers. Observations and recommendations from these meetings, where participants were public officials of the local level, representatives of various companies, both public and private, civil society and citizens of Republic of Kosovo, have encouraged organization of second Discussion – Forum. Participants at the meeting were representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Independent supervision Board for Civil Service of Kosovo, Kosovo Police – Directorate for Investigation of Economic Crimes, Kosovo municipalities and representatives of civil society.

Bajram Ajeti, Chairman of the Independent supervision Board for Civil Service of Kosovo, said that “Law on Protection of Informers is not limited only to anti-corruption field but it covers all areas which are protected by laws and constitution of Republic of Kosovo for the best of public.” He further added that “it is not only public institutions task to promote laws, but it is a task of non-governmental organizations as well”. Referring to concerns of law enforcement and especially the Law on Protection of Informers, he stressed that “there is a lack of proper communication between supervisors and employees regarding informing about the existence of laws in general,” he then said “every institution is obliged to implement the law, although there is a lack of the political will to implement these laws. “

Meanwhile, Baki Gimolli from the Department of Legal Affairs – Ministry of Justice, said that the “Law on Protection of Informers has emerged as a requirement of the Progress Report of the European Union”, stressing that “the law is specific and that no country in the region has approved such a law yet.” He further added that “on the other hand, the Law on Protection of Informers is well structured clarifying instances of receiving information in cases of abuse of authority.” Regarding to clarification of the norms of the Law on Protection of Informers, he claimed that “even though the law in general contains applicable norms, however, some of the norms of this law remain unimplemented due to improper budget planning when this law was approved.”

Hivzi Matoshi, a representative from Municipality of Gjilan, stated that “the main problem lies on the implementation of the Law on Protection of Informers, where officials are hesitant to provide information on abuses that occur in the institutions where they are employed.” He further added that “yet, assessing the situation, one could say there is political will to implement the law.”

Shemi Igrishta from Kosovo Police said “Kosovo Police is an institution respected by the citizens of Kosovo, and they are working to increase citizen confidence and encourage them to report violations of the law and irregularities that may observe”.
In this Discussion – Forum were given several recommendations, the most important ones among them are as follows:
– Establishment of Administrative Courts;
– Further promotion of complaints boxes in public institutions, at the same time defining the instances for receiving information on irregularities and misuse, as well as
– Providing funds in accordance with the approval of laws and their implementation in practice.

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