Debate tournament “Karl Popper” – “Prishtina Open 2012”

Pristina, 8-9 December – Movement FOL has organized for the seventh (7) time the Debate Tournament “Karl Popper” ‘Prishtina Open’, which was held on 8-9 December in “Xhevdet Doda” High School.
In this tournament participated 100 high school students from seven (7) municipalities of Kosovo: Prishtina, Prizren, Peja, Malisheva, Mitrovica Gjakova, Podujeva.

This tournament was more likely preparation for the next national tournament that is going to be held in February, where the winners will represent Kosovo in international debate competition, which this year will be held in Ireland.

In the semi-finals were qualified four teams that have collected the most points based on the decisions of judges. Semi-finalists of this debate were NEMO and iHithat from Pristina, ATA 3 from Ferizaj and Babylon from Mitrovica. NEMO and iHithat managed to be qualified to the finals and the winner was NEMO team from Prishtina.

Judges in this tournament were former debaters who previously participated in the debate “Karl Popper”. The team of judges who judged the finals of this tournament, announced the winner of this tournament Nemo from Pristina.

Four resolutions of the debate in this tournament were topics about the minors; two of these resolutions were limited preparation whereas about two other resolutions, the debaters had the opportunity to prepare in advance.


Foto Galeria: Turneu i debatit "Karl Popper" - "Prishtina Open 2012"
Foto Galeria: Turneu i debatit “Karl Popper” – “Prishtina Open 2012”
Foto Galeria: Turneu i debatit "Karl Popper" - "Prishtina Open 2012"
Foto Galeria: Turneu i debatit “Karl Popper” – “Prishtina Open 2012”
Foto Galeria: Turneu i debatit "Karl Popper" - "Prishtina Open 2012"
Foto Galeria: Turneu i debatit “Karl Popper” – “Prishtina Open 2012”
Foto Galeria: Turneu i debatit "Karl Popper" - "Prishtina Open 2012"
Foto Galeria: Turneu i debatit “Karl Popper” – “Prishtina Open 2012”
Foto Galeria: Turneu i debatit "Karl Popper" - "Prishtina Open 2012"
Foto Galeria: Turneu i debatit “Karl Popper” – “Prishtina Open 2012”