Access to justice supports in realization of human rights

Gjakova, December 10, 2013 – FOL Movement within the project “Getting closer citizens and justice institutions”, which is supported by the American people through USAID / ATRC, held the next meeting of the “Justice Access Forum” in Gjakova on Tuesday, on the International Day of Human Rights and Freedoms. The panel was constituted by: Vaton Durguti, chairman of the Basic Court in Gjakova, Shpresa Bakija, chief prosecutor of the Prosecution Office in Gjakova and Aishe Berisha, spokesperson of Kosovo Judicial Council. Present were also representatives of Kosovo Police, representatives of Ombudsman, representatives from the Centre for Legal Aid, civil society and interested citizens of municipality of Gjakova. At this meeting was presented the monitoring report on hearing sessions in Gjakova and Podujeva.

Kenan Tora from FOL Movement stated that since the beginning, the Justice Access Forum was initiated and established in order to strengthen the access to justice by establishing new means of communication which would facilitate the cooperation between judicial institutions and citizens in the Municipality of Gjakova, and also serve as a platform to discuss not only the problems faced every day in the justice system but also as a platform coming up with ideas to solve these problems. He also presented the main findings of the report on monitoring hearing sessions related to corruption and abuse of authority, stressing that access to information in court is often extremely difficult because of bureaucratic procedures. Presentation of this report and organization of the forum happened to be on the International Day of Human Rights and Freedoms. On this occasion he also spoke about the importance of this day and further he stated that citizens’ access to justice institutions can have a very positive effect on the realization of their rights and freedoms.

While Aishe Qorraj – Berisha, spokeswoman of KJC made a presentation about the work of KJC but also stressed and acknowledged the problems and challenges of the judiciary which are associated with the International Day of Human Rights stating that the violation of human rights exists in Kosovo as well. “We must not forget that the third power in Kosovo has gone through various stages. In 2013 the judiciary has gone through a radical reform, “said Qorraj-Berisha.

The President of the Basic Court in Gjakova, Vaton Durguti, stated that all the findings of FOL Movement stand and are a concern. He said that there is a large number of cases and it is justified due to the fact that the Basic Court in Gjakova have under its jurisdiction the municipalities of Rahovec and Malisheva. “When we add to this the transfer of the cases from the former District Court in Peja it shows that the number of the cases is very large. Furthermore, Durguti mentioned that within the Basic Court in Gjakova is operating the Probation Council – Correction Council”.

Meanwhile, the Chief prosecutor of the Prosecution Office in Gjakova, Shpresa Bakija said that prosecution of criminal offenses in Gjakova is successfully completed. “In January 2013, we started with 70 cases and now we have Rahovec and Malisheva. Due to the fact that now we are a Basic Prosecution and Rahovec is in our jurisdiction, I have to mention that have received cases from District Court in Prizren as well”.

The discussion was opened and other participants spoke, among others the Commander of Police Station in Gjakova, Kristë Gjokaj said that this institution has excellent cooperation with Court and Prosecution and they are always at citizens’ service.

Edmond Dushi, a representative of OSCE asked the President of the Court that “FOL Movement recommendations should be considered and work on these improve these recommendations in order to improve them so that citizens do not have troubles getting information or service delivery by the administration of the Court “.

Flamur Gojani – asked to use more the electronic media where the information of citizens and their reports can be published on the website of the Court.

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