The low level of enforcement of the “Law on Protection of Informers” in the Municipality of Gjakova

Gjakova, August 02 – Today, FOL Movement, within a series of debates in municipalities regarding the “Law on Protection of Informers’ held the next meeting in Gjakova on the topic” Anti-Corruption Legal Package: Law on Protection of Informers”. In this debate was discussed about the level of implementation of anti-corruption laws, respectively, the Law on Protection of Informers and on how public officials denounce irregularities or illegal acts of corruption cases within their respective institutions.

Participants at this meeting were: Deputy Mayor of Gjakova Mr. Agim Koci, the director of the Office of Procurement, Heads of Political Parties in Gjakova, Municipal Public Utility Representatives, Media and Civil Society. At the meeting were absent representatives from the Basic Court in Gjakova, prosecution and police.

The meeting was opened by Elbasan Racaj, he presented the findings of the research conducted by FOL Movement regarding the implementation of the Law on Protection of Informers. Among other things he said that 73.6% of officials are aware of the existence of the Law on Protection of Informers, 20.1% are not aware of its existence, and 6.3% do not know whether it exists or not.

Agim Koci – the deputy Mayor of Gjakova, initially congratulated FOL Movement for this initiative and for the debate. He said that “the way of thinking of the citizens regarding this law should be changed. He also said that institutions should have more contacts with citizens and show them that the law has no negative characteristics. According to Mr. Koci Gjakova municipality has a supervisor for reporting irregularities “. He further added that “NGOs should be responsible and not contribute to the reduction citizens’ trust in local institutions.”

Mr. Ali Tafarshiku said that “people know the law but in Gjakova they have no place to report such cases. There are officials who are willing to report to their supervisor about any case. They doubt about the correctness of their supervisors because they have little knowledge of the law. He further added that the legal office should hold meetings to inform the officials about the law and should appoint an officer for reporting corruption since there is not. ”
Luan Gola from LDK, said that “there is close connection between the prosecution and police, because there are cases of reporting corruption, but they hide them instead of investigating them.” He further said that “it makes us keep up with the awareness of citizens, officials need to read the laws and citizens shouldn’t be afraid reporting corruption.”

Teki Dobroshi from Lëvizja Vetëvendosje (Self-Determination Movement) said that “there are cases of reporting irregularities, but such a phenomenon should be fought all the way.” He further said that “such cases in Gjakova are going on deaf and soon are being forgotten.”

The discussion went on between representatives of Public Companies in Gjakova, civil society and media, who agreed that there is courage for reporting by officials, but they do not know that there is a person responsible for receiving the information on irregularities and do not have confidence in institutions as prosecution and court, because according to them they are politicized.

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Foto Galeria: Nivel i dobët i zbatimit të “Ligji mbi Mbrojtjen e Informatorit” në Komunën e Gjakovës
Foto Galeria: Nivel i dobët i zbatimit të "Ligji mbi Mbrojtjen e Informatorit" në Komunën e Gjakovës
Foto Galeria: Nivel i dobët i zbatimit të “Ligji mbi Mbrojtjen e Informatorit” në Komunën e Gjakovës
Foto Galeria: Nivel i dobët i zbatimit të "Ligji mbi Mbrojtjen e Informatorit" në Komunën e Gjakovës
Foto Galeria: Nivel i dobët i zbatimit të “Ligji mbi Mbrojtjen e Informatorit” në Komunën e Gjakovës