Discussing Forum on the Law on Protection of Informers

Prishtina, June 21 – FOL Movement supported by the U.S. Embassy in Pristina, held the Discussing Forum about the level of implementation of the Law on Protection of Informers by public officials.

In this Forum were present representatives from Ministry of Justice, Independent Supervising Board on Civil Servants, members of Legislation Committee, Kosovo Institute of Public Administration, Department for Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption, Anti-Corruption Agency, and representatives of various non-governmental organizations.
In this forum, except the presentation of rhe findings of the research ” officials do not report corruption: The level of knowledge and experience of public officials about the Law on Protection of Informers”, was also discussed about the weaknesses of the Law, its implementation by officials in practice, and its promotion by various public officials.
Basri Gimolli from The Division of Policy and Legislation stated that “Tthe Ministry of Justice, as sponsor of this law was obliged only to draft the law and is not responsible for its implementation and monitoring by its officials.”

He further added, “The purpose of this law is to encourage officials to report illegal actions, but the law is based more on the goodwill of the officials rather thsn in their legal compulsion to denounce a particular crime.”

More decisive was the member of Legislation Committee from Lëvizja Vetëvendosje (Self-Determination Movement), Albulena Haxhiu who stated that “This law needs to be amended because of the many weaknesses it contains”. She further added that “public officials are affraid to report cases of corruption within their respective institutions.”
Bajram Ajeti, Director of the Independent Supervising Board on Civil Servants, said “a large number of public officials are not informed at all about the existence of the Law on Protection of Informers; therefore we must find the opportunities how to promote the Law in central and local institutions, and private sector as well”. Moreover, he stressed that “officials are arbitrarily terminated from their jobs due to an authoritarian mentality that exists in our institutions.”

Shemsi Igrishta from Directorate for Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption, among others presented the general reporting figures for 2012, including public officials’ denonciations. He said that “154 reports out 297 that they have received were considered as grounded and are considered as cases, and 143 other cases have been sent with special prosecutor’s report.”
Arton Demhasaj, a representative of COHU organization expressed his criticism regarding the level of implementation of this law, its name and the scope of the law.
Samir Reka, Executiv Director of INPO, said, “At the local level, it is not known about the xistence of the Law on Protection of Informers and leave alone its content and implementation.”

At the end of the forum were given several recommendations. Among the most important are:
• The Law should be more specific regarding the fight and prevention of corruption;
• The name of the law should be changed;
• Organizing promotion campaigns about the content of the law;
• Committee on Legislation should organize public discussions regarding the implementation of the Law;
• Appointing responsible officials for supervision of irregularities;
• Finding ways to encourage officials to report corruption;
This project was funded through a grant of the the American Embassy in Prishtina

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