Updating the Platform on Declaration and Comparison of the assets of 236 public officials

Prishtina, 20th June – FOL Movement within the Platform on Declaration and Comparison of the assets of public officials (http://levizjafol.org/al/deklarimet), has updated the data on declaration of the assets for 2012, which were made public by Anti-Corruption Agency in late May 2013.

In this platform are 236 senior officials, who are in high positions since 2010 up to date, including 34 mayors, 107 parliament members, and 77 senior government officials. This year have been included another 12 senior officials from both local and on a central level, due to some changes in several ministries.

According to declarations to ACA, the difference of assets of public officials which is increased in 2012 compared with the previous year is as follows:
• Deputy Prime Minister Behxhet Pacolli – € 102,532,814.00;
• Parliament Member Emin Gerbeshi – € 1,747,100.00;
• Mayor of Suhareka, Blerim Kuqi – € 684,859.00;
• Mayor of Drenas, Nexhat Demaku – € 360,420.00;
• Parliament Member, Hamza Balje – € 195,300.00;
• Deputy Minister of Diaspora, Nuredin Lushtaku, € 101,000.00;
• Parliamenr Member, Lutfi Haziri – € 94,829.00;
• Parliament Member, Muhamet Mustafa – € 87,799.00;
• The President Atifete Jahjaga – € 52,673.00;
• Deputy Prime Minister, Hajredin Kuçi – € 36,712.00.
Meanwhile, public officials whose assets declined during 2012 compared with the previous year are:
• Parliament Member, Ramiz Kelmendi – € 21,905,167.00;
• Parliament Member Florin Kelmendi -€ 4,482,655.00;
• Parliament Member Hashim Deshishku – € 568,269.00;
• Deputy Minister of Economic Developement, Ramadan Hasani – € 185,235.00;
• Minister of Finances, Besim Beqaj – € 185,235.00;
• Deputy Minister of Public Administration, Nexhmedin Kastrati – € 95,360.00;
• Chairman of Parliament Jakup Krasniqi – € 20,000.00;
• Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi – € 15,135.00.

Kosovo citizens can compare the declarations of assets and also comment on those for each category. Comments given to this platform after a certain period of time will be sent to the Anti-Corruption Agency and the State Prosecution, in order to begin investigation about the declarations that eventually are not accurate or about the high level of difference from a year to another year without any reasonable explanation.
For more about the wealth of senior public officials, please visit Platform on Declaration and Comparison of the assets of public officials