The conclusions of Kosovo-Serbia talks should be transparent

Prishtina, July 7, 2011– Movement FOL requires Prime Minister of Kosovo Mr. Hashim Thaci to keep informed the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo with the conclusions of negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia mediated by European Union.
Being aware of the importance of these talks, the citizens of Kosovo must be notified regarding any conclusion or agreement. Transparency and accountability in this process of talks with Serbia would help in many aspects, including the need of citizens of Kosovo to be sure that the country will benefit from this process.

At the beginning of June in the Forum Speak Openly it has been discussed about Kosovo and Serbia talks. Conclusions made in this discussion were that the status quo in Kosovo is helping crime in the north, then that Kosovo began negotiations without previous preparation of public opinion, without a strategy for public ownership in this process and it was mentioned that the transparency of these negotiations is essential to increase public support for any eventual agreement.
Check this link to get the full report on discussions Speak Openly regarding Kosovo ” Serbia talks