Protest, tomorrow January 16 at 12:00, in front of the Government of Kosovo

January 15, 2012 –The Institute for Researches and Policy Development (KIPRED), Movement FOL, Initiative for Progress (INPO), the Youth Initiative for Human Rights-Kosovo (YIHRKS), Center for Policy and Advocacy (QPA) Ec Ma Ndryshe (Walk Differently) (ECI) Organization for Democracy, Dignity and Anti-Corruption (COHU), Women’s Network (RrRK), ATRC, Developing Together (DT) Community Building Mitrovica (CBM) Syri I Vizionit (Eye Vision) (SIV) Institute for Advanced Studies (GAP), Foreign Policy Club (KPJ), Liria, Elena Gjika, local Youth Council Istog, Podguri, Youth Center Istok, YC Father Lorenc Mazdreku, Centre for Gender Studies (QKSGJ), Kosovo Center for Security Studies (QKSS), Kosovo Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (QKRMT), ATTA, Cultural Heritage Foundation, EUIRC, Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI)

We, the above organizations of civil society, condemn the violence ordered by the Government and conducted by the police at the protest held yesterday which was organized by the Movement “Vetevendosje”. We express our dissatisfaction against the international community attitudes, which through its statements has legitimized the violence of the Government againts its citizens.
Yesterday’s protest was a manifestation of the will of citizens and a democratic instrument. Such a right is guaranteed in the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and international acts.
Such a violent intervention is a direct attack on the democratic principles, its values and practices.
To oppose the brutality of the government against citizens of Kosovo, civil society calls for a protest against violence. The protest will be held on Monday, January 16, 2012, in front of the Government at 1200h.