Civil Society urges MPs to ratify the state border agreement with Montenegro

Prishtina, 05.03.2018 – In the last three years, the issue of demarcation with Montenegro has almost paralyzed the institutional life in Kosovo and any further delay will further damage the citizens and the European integration process of our country.

Political entities must finally open the door to the idea of co-operation and consensus, no matter how difficult is it, to end the isolation of the country’s citizens. Kosovo citizens through free vote have elected representatives from whom they expect responsibility and representation of their interests. There is no doubt that the ratification of this agreement will fulfill the inevitable condition on Kosovo’s journey towards visa liberalization.

We, civil society organizations, believe that the debate about the demarcation has been consumed and that concrete action is now needed to unlock the situation, especially considering that now the Republic of Kosovo has available legal mechanisms to re-negotiate with Montenegro for improvements eventual agreement on the border line if it is established that errors have been made in its determination.

Therefore, through this letter, we once again call on members of the Kosovo Assembly to ratify the agreement on demarcation of the border with Montenegro, solving a link that has kept the Kosovo political scene connected for years, but also by marked progressive steps towards ending the isolation of the country’s citizens for free travel to Schengen countries.

With respect,


Demokraci Plus (D+)

Instituti Demokratik i Kosovës (KDI)

Instituti i Kosovës për Drejtësi (IKD)

Instituti Demokraci për Zhvillim (D4D)

Instituti KIPRED

Instituti për Politika Zhvillimore (INDEP)

Inicitiva për Progres (INPO)

Lëvizja Fol

Organizata Çohu

Qendra Kosovare për Studime të Sigurisë (QKSS)