Criminal and Institutional Responsibility for the death of two children in Prishtina

Pristina, June 28th, 2016. Last week in the neighborhood “Kolovicë” in Prishtina happened a tragedy when two children lost their lives. This tragedy followed due to the actions of an illegal operator and its excavations in the territory of the Municipality of Prishtina.

The Municipality of Prishtina and the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning are responsible for the buildings and operations in the territory where the tragedy happened. Just as how institutions ask from the citizens to pay the taxes, these institutions must ensure the legality of operation of each economic operator and prevent actions that might threat the health and lives of citizens. By not being able to supervise the quality of work and respecting the law, these institutions carry the responsibility for this tragedy.

The resignation of the director of inspection in Prishtina must be seen as a responsibility and a principle through which each official must act in such cases. However this is not enough. For the Kolovica case, responsible persons must carry criminal responsibility.

We, the below presented organizations, ask from the Prosecution to hasten the investigations and find the persons who are responsible for the death of two children in Prishtina. Moreover officials from above mentioned institutions must carry responsibility for the negligence of the law, while the same goes for the company that neglected respective laws and regulations.

We ask from the Municipality of Prishtina and other municipalities, as well as from central institutions to cooperate in order to prevent such tragedies in the future. Furthermore it is of great importance that local and central institutions ensure a safe environment for the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, as a precondition of a decent life.

Signing organizations:
Autostrada Biennale
Community Building Mitrovica – CBM
EC Ma Ndryshe
Kosovar Civil Society Foundation – KCSF
Lumbardhi Foundation
Cultural Heritage Foundation Kulturore LEGATUM
“Trashëgimia Kulturore pa Kufij” Foundation – CHwB
Group for Legal and Political Studies– GLPS
Iniciativa e Femrës Kosovare
Iniciativa Kosovare për Stabilitet – IKS
Initiative for Progress (Iniciativa për Progres)– INPO
Democracy for Development (Instituti Demokraci për Zhvillim) – D4D
Kosovo Democratic Institute (Instituti Demokratik i Kosovës) – KDI
GAP Institute
FOL Movement
Center for Politics and Advocacy (Qendra për Politika dhe Avokim) – QPA
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