Movement FOL is allowed to have access in the Procurement of the Ministry of Justice

Prishtina, 24 March 2011 ” Today, Movement FOL met the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice Mr. Hajredin Kuqi. At the meeting was discussed about the situation in the justice sector in our country. In this case FOL Movement signed the Memorandum of Understanding which allows FOL to have access in the Monitoring Procurement in the Ministry of Justice.

This memorandum is intended to promote and develop transparency in the process of awarding public contracts, procurement and tendering procedures in accordance with country”s legislation, aiming the prevention of fraud, corruption and conflict of interest.

Ministry of Justice will create favorable conditions for monitoring and observing the entire bidding process and will inform in time for meetings, while the Movement FOL, after monitoring and observing procedures, shall compile a written report on the flow of the process in realizing procurement, quality, regularity and legality procedures