Corruption Monitor: Only 3 anti-corruption verdicts among 61 verdicts of the Government

Prishtina, 11 December 2011 ” The Government of Kosovo during the two months (September-October) has approved 61 (sixty one) verdicts, 25 in September, and 36 in October. In September, among 25 approved verdicts only 1 was against corruption, while in October, the Government approved two verdicts against corruption.

Kosovo Assembly during September-October 2011 has held three plenary sessions, one was held in September and two others in October. In these three plenary sessions during these two months, only in the September”s session was discussed against corruption, respectively, during the September”s session when the director of the Anti Corruption Agency has been elected.
Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC) based on the statistics of this institution we find out that during August and September, in the context of “abuse of authority” have been filed 14 cases, no cases were on going, and 9 cases have been solved . In the context of “taking bribes” 2 cases have been filed and only 1 case has been solved at the end of the reporting period. While in the context of “giving bribes” one case has been filed and another one solved at the end of the reporting period.

According to statistics of the Department of Investigation of Economic Crimes and Corruption (DIECC) we find out that during September and October, 44 cases have been sent to prosecution: 16 cases in September and 28 other cases in October. As a result of investigations of Kosovo Police, 13 officials have been arrested: 4 in September and 9 in October. Meanwhile the value of alleged damages is about 679,285.00 “: 398,170.00 ” in September and ” 281,115.00 in October.
Kosovo Customs during last two months have announced 11 disciplinary actions, 2 in September and 9 others in October. Within these cases, 9 are disciplinary written warning, 1 ban of promotion and 1 verbal warning.