Letter from civil society over the mandate of Mayor Ramadan Muja

Open letter from civil society organizations to the Government of Kosovo on the mandate of Mayor Ramadan Muja

Pristina, June 23rd, 2016.

Honorable Prime minister Mustafa,
Honorable minister Mariq,

Local governance in Prizren is violating every principle of good governance and every legal and constitutional standard.

The mayor of the municipality of Prizren is finishing his governing mandate as a mayor sentenced with abuse of official duty. While the mayor Ramadan Muja has decided to not resign and wait for the decision of the Appeal or maybe even from the Supreme Court, Prizren is facing a criminal governance. This week an official from the Municipality of Prizren was sentenced with 3 year in prison for abuse of official duty. Two weeks earlier due to the negligence of the local government a three-year old girl lost her life due to the collapse of the building in the Historical Centre in Prizren. The Municipality of Prizren is constantly allowing the destruction of cultural heritage buildings in Prizren. Mayor Muja is among few officials whom diplomatic representatives of foreign countries do not accept to meet with.

Considering all this and based in the Constitution of Kosovo, specifically Article 123 (4) on Local Government and the Law on Local Self-Government, we ask from the Government of Kosovo to take this decision:

-To suspend the Mayor of the Municipality of Prizren, Ramadan Muja in accordance with Article 64 on the Law on Local Self-Government according to which: “Municipal Mayor may be suspended from the office by a decision of the Government of Republic of Kosova within thirty (30) days, if it considers that the Mayor has violated the Constitution and the applicable laws…The Government of Republic of Kosova may suspend the Municipal Mayor (for up to 30 day) by a decision and submit the case to the Constitutional Court…If the Constitutional Court upholds the decision; the Government shall remove the Mayor from the office.”

Removing Ramadan Muja from his position would make a positive step on democratic governance in Kosovo and it would show good will in ensuring governance with “clean hands”. After all, knowing that a few days ago minister Ferid Agani was removed from his position, we expect this case to be followed with even more seriousness knowing that the Mayor already has the decision from the court.

Signing organizations:

Alter Habitus
Autostrada Biennale
CIPOF – Childproof
Community Building Mitrovica – CBM
Development Research Innovation Training
EC Ma Ndryshe
Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (Fondacioni Kosovar për Shoqëri Civile) – KCSF
Lumbardhi Foundation
Cultural Heritage Foundation (Fondacioni për Trashëgimi Kulturore) LEGATUM
“Trashëgimia Kulturore pa Kufij” Foundation – CHwB
Group for Lefal and POLITICAL Studies (Grupi për Studime Juridike dhe Politike) – GLPS
Iniciativa e Femrës Kosovare
Iniciativa Kosovare për Stabilitet – IKS
Initiative for Progress (Iniciativa për Progres) – INPO
Institute for Sustainable Development of Youth (Institui për Zhvillim të Qëndrueshëm Rinor) – ISDY
Democracy for Development (Instituti Demokraci për Zhvillim) – D4D
Kosovo Democratic Institute (Instituti Demokratik i Kosovës) – KDI
GAP Institute
Institute for Development Policy (Instituti për Politika Zhvillimore)– INDEP
Riinvest Institute
Lëvizja FOL

Organizata e Personave me Distrofi Muskulare
Organizata IAEA
Qendra Artpolis
Qendra Kosovare për Studime të Sigurisë – QKSS
Qendra për Politika dhe Avokim – QPA
Syri i Vizionit
Varg e Vi
Women for Women International
X40 – 40 Bunar